If anyone was wondering how my week was, here is the answer....
Why did I have both knees operated on at the same time? Its a long story, and honestly, I am struggling with coherency as it is, (aaahhhh...painkillers...) but it was very necessary, and my recovery is actually going quite well. The procedure on my right knee was pretty standard, but the work on my left knee was fairly extensive so I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. While I was there I had this cool drain in my knee.
There was about 8-10 inches of tubing inside my knee...constantly draining...
It was there to help with swelling / bruising. Imagine how swollen I'd be without it!
Anyway, I am home now and on the mend. (Matt has taken wonderful care of me!) Even though the surgery was more complicated than we expected it seems that we have finally gotten a big clue to what is going on in there. I have a follow-up with the Dr in a few days and we will get the pathology results. I can see that things are just falling into place and I feel very optimistic about the situation. I have a lot of be grateful for!!! Thanks for the support and prayers of so many friends/family members-we have certainly felt a lot of blessings this past week or so and we appreciate you!
1 day ago
The pictures are so sad! I am glad you could come over tonight.
I wish I could be there to take care of you!!!! Or at least distract you and make you laugh until you pee your pants. Either one, you pick.
My goodness you deserve a medal for optimism. You are my hero. Hope things are continuing to improve!
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